Update on the Iowa Legislature

By Robert Cook

The first funnel in the Iowa Legislature is past. That means that any bill (except spending and tax related bills) that didn’t make it out of a standing committee in either the House or Senate is dead for the session*. The funnel killed a huge swath of bills both good and bad. But many of the worst did survive so we still have to remain vigilant and active.

As I said in my last post, I am now a registered lobbyist in the Iowa Legislature. I have updated my Lobbyist Declaration List to include links to the bills, brief legislative descriptions, and whether they are alive or dead. Please check it out. I think you will find it a useful reference to help IAF members keep track of the relevant bills. I will continue to update it as needed.

*”Dead” is a relative term. There are several ways to resurrect a dead bill. Leaders of the House or Senate can jointly reintroduce a dead bill. Dead bills can also be added to other bills as amendments. The leaders of the House and Senate are sneaky, Machiavellian bastards. I expect to see multiple shenanigans before the session is done.